Climate Change Overview

So I don’t have give some background to upcoming posts on climate change and what we can do to forestall it, I am linking to the introduction to Joe Romm’s Climate Progress blog at Think Progress. He tells newcomers to his blog (and presumably to climate change as a topic) to click here; so that’s what you should do. Joe’s “about” page is tremendously informative; the links to major posts since the blog’s inception in 2006 are well-organized, which makes the site what he intends it to be:  “a one-stop-shop for anyone who wants the inside view on climate science, solutions, and politics.” He tells the reader he wants to save you time, “save you from wading through the sea of irrelevant information — or outright disinformation — on climate and energy that pervades the media and blogosphere.” I couldn’t have stated my goals as an aggregator any better, and I certainly don’t have the background or history that Romm does (he’s a physicist and climate expert and was Acting Assistant Secretary of Energy for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in 1997, under Clinton); nor, of course, do I have the wealth of content he and his co-bloggers have produced on climate science, solutions, and politics.

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